Network Applications Consortium—2004 Roadmap

[NAC draft survey rev 0.9 2003]

Alameda Tech Lab and Research Center is gathering data for the Network Applications Consortium 2004 Roadmap. This is a starting point for a survey that will be refined at the October 2003 conference, and will be conducted in January 2004. Participation in developing, refining, and conducting the survey should take a total of about 3–4 hours time from each member company [time includes follow-up interview with a technical and a voting rep]. Your participation will ensure that NAC develops a successful roadmap.

For questions about or issues with this survey, please contact Thank you for your time and effort!

1. Name of NAC member company:  
2. Your job title:  
3. E-mail address:
4. How much time do you spend on NAC-related activities in a typical month, exclusive of collaboration with other members? 5 hours or more
3 hours
2 hours
About an hour
Less than an hour
5. With how many other NAC members do you collaborate in a typical month? 7 or more NAC members
5 people
3 people
1 person
I don't interact with any NAC members
6. With how many non-NAC-member peers do you collaborate in a typical month? 7 or more peers
5 people
3 people
1 person
No other peer interaction
7. What are the top three issues on which collaboration with other NAC members provides (or has provided) the most value? (hold down the <Ctrl> key to select more than one).
7a. Other:
7b. Other:
7c. Other:
8. How many technical conferences a year do you attend? Do not include NAC conferences. None
1-2 conferences
3-5 conferences
5 or more conferences
9. How many NAC conferences do you attend each year? None
1 NAC conference
2 NAC conferences
All 3 NAC conferences, including Catalyst
10. Overall, how would you characterize your company's participation and interest level in NAC activities, even if your company doesn't seem to actively participate? Disinterested
Somewhat interested
Neither interested nor disinterested
Very interested
Extremely interested
11. How would you characterize your individual interest level in NAC activities, for career-building and enhancing purposes? Disinterested
Somewhat interested
Neither interested nor disinterested
Very interested
Extremely interested
12. If you were to be quoted about the value of NAC to your company, what would you say?
13. If you were to be quoted about the value of NAC to your career as a technologist or business person, what would you say?
Best dates and times to contact you for a follow-up interview?